Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Liferay: Understanding the theme (Part 1).
Liferay 5.2.3
There are a group of velocity files for template named as portal_normal.vm (core file), navigation.vm, dock.vm, init_custom.vm.
1. init_cutom.vm
In this file, we can declare all variables in portal_normal.vm
#set ($theme_name = "myportal-theme")
#set ($the_title = "Official Web")
#set ($company_name = "MySolution.Net")
#set ($company_url = "")
2. portal_normal.vm
This is the core / main frame for template. It can accept other velocity files with this form : #parse ("$full_templates_path/any_velocity_file.vm")
Let say we need to include accessibility part which contains functions to personalisation (change color, font size).
So we can write script for it and name the file as accessibilty.vm
To include the file in portal_normal.vm we just add a line likes #parse ("$full_templates_path/accessibility.vm")
3. navigation.vm
The default setting only allow developer develop single page. That means no children page will be passed even if there were children pages added. This is an example script navigation.vm for three layers (main page have three children pages).